









Love the time when you were in my womb
Oh! You made him a father and me a mom;
Being fragile when we brought you home.

Your fragrance took me into cloud nine,
You gave me intoxication more than any wine
Oh! My daughter you are a part of mine.

I love the scent of your hair,
Stroking fingers in gestures of care.
Oh! The divine time that we share.
I love the aroma of your lemon tea
Which you made first time for me
Coyly asking ‘Mamma how is the tea?’

Aroma of henna in your hands, was an emotional string

Now my princess is oceans apart with her prince
And how madly, I long for your single glimpse.

My angel, my world, my child;
I adore everything you do in your style
Your smell always excelled me from tears to smile.

When Ambipur gave me an opportunity to recollect nostaligic memories of fragrances, all i could think of was my baby and its scent of life. Thank you for giving this amazing inspiration to write my sentiments.


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